Biblio ELEPHANT Library
Click on Image for a "dark" screen !
Create a 3D Array of "Base(s)" for draw curves
Interpolate a selection of Points for create "base(s)" for draw Curve
Input functions inside an Array : any fantasy can be Input ! Surfaces can be produced by Loft!
Increase the Number of decimal for increase the number of possibilities!
Increase the Number of decimal for increase the number of possibilities!
Coordinates in Text Mode (without "," )
Create Points centered on the origine for spheric base(s) to draw something!
Create Points centered on the origine for "base(s)" to draw something!
Rotate and Move a selection with 4 possible Options
Here at start 3 Points "Selected" for create "base(s)" for draw & move something!
Here at start 3 Points "Selected" for create "base(s)" for draw & rotate something!