Biblio ELEPHANT Library
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For compare 2 things
Different variants of comparaison!
For Split something
Doc by Bemfarmer
The Split node has 3 versions, corresponding to its 3 menu options, Numbers, Points, or Objects.
Numbers option inputs, and outputs, numarrays.
Points option inputs, and outputs, pointarrays.
Objects option inputs, and outputs, objectlists.
The Split node is multitasking, so a stream of many input items will be processed.
The Split node has a "Mask" boolean (0's & 1's) input, which sends the Num inputs, or Pts inputs, or Obj inputs to either the "1" output, or the "0" output. The input stream is separated into two output streams.
The Split node has 3 modes, Repeat, Long, and Short, which control how the mask is applied to the input stream. Multitasking documentation explain how the modes are applied.
For any one item of the input stream, the Split node does NOT extract its contents. For example, a point does not have its x,y z coordinates extracted.
Under the Basic menu, the "Extract" node, in Points mode, extracts one of 7 elements, X, Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ, or Scale
Under the Points2 menu, the "splitPts" node extracts 10 elements.
The Split node has 3 versions, corresponding to its 3 menu options, Numbers, Points, or Objects.
Numbers option inputs, and outputs, numarrays.
Points option inputs, and outputs, pointarrays.
Objects option inputs, and outputs, objectlists.
The Split node is multitasking, so a stream of many input items will be processed.
The Split node has a "Mask" boolean (0's & 1's) input, which sends the Num inputs, or Pts inputs, or Obj inputs to either the "1" output, or the "0" output. The input stream is separated into two output streams.
The Split node has 3 modes, Repeat, Long, and Short, which control how the mask is applied to the input stream. Multitasking documentation explain how the modes are applied.
For any one item of the input stream, the Split node does NOT extract its contents. For example, a point does not have its x,y z coordinates extracted.
Under the Basic menu, the "Extract" node, in Points mode, extracts one of 7 elements, X, Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ, or Scale
Under the Points2 menu, the "splitPts" node extracts 10 elements.